We are very grateful for any donation, of any amount
You can also support us if you shop online without any additional cost to you.
Haffner Orchestra has registered online with Easy Fundraising which, as the name suggests, is an easy way of raising extra funds for the orchestra to enable it to continue to deliver its fine concert seasons to such a high standard. If you shop online, whether it be supermarket shopping, renewing car/home insurance, Christmas presents, music etc, you can raise additional money for Haffner without it costing a penny more to you. Many major retailers are part of this scheme – most supermarkets, Argos, Comet, Currys, Next, insurance companies, to give examples of a few. Your shopping will cost you the same as usual, but the retailer will make a payment to your chosen cause.
How do I register? For further details visit the site www.easyfundraising.org.uk and create a login name and password. You will then be able to choose a cause to support (eg, Haffner Orchestra, Lancaster) then find your retailer through the site.
How does it work? Visit the Easy Fundraising site (www.easyfundraising.org.uk), log in using the details you registered with and click on the retailer’s site from there. The retailer will then donate a small percentage of the purchase to the registered cause of your choice, eg, Haffner Orchestra, Lancaster, costing you absolutely nothing extra.
In addition, if you make www.easyfundraising.org.uk your home page, all the clicking you do will generate funds too.